Note: This story is part of Freshmen POV: Kennedy Small Learning Communities.
As freshman, high school can be confusing. A new school, more students, and honestly, it’s really stressful. Coming to this school, we weren’t aware of the amazing and beneficial academies Kennedy High School provided.
By Ariyah Armstrong, Clarion Staff The Culinary Arts Academy is a California partnership program built on small learning community models. Students learn to bake and use basic cooking skills, as well as learn valuable abilities that help better students in college, and possibly future careers. Throughout the year, students attend field trips at ranches and culinary schools to be informed about the arts of cuisine. Students also are given projects such as building a gingerbread house and creating a business that will sell products on a given budget. Head teacher, Mr. James Morgan, provides an exciting and positive classroom environment, and has three golden rules for his students: “Work hard, have fun, and to try to learn how to cook.” Sophomore student Maria Patino likes the program and how it helps her home-life, “ to help my family cook. Most of my family knows how to cook so is teaching me too.” And another student, sophomore Alfred Griffin, gave a two- word answer to students who want to join the program in the future, “Do it!”