Opinion by Abigail Bird, Clarion Staff reporter

Here at our own humble campus there seem to be many changes taking place under our new Assistant Principal, Heather Veasley. Most compelling of all, the new Tardy Policy.
What is this new Tardy Policy that seems to be all the buzz around campus lately? Well, starting this school year, three tardies in a single class will result in students receiving a lunch detention.
If they continue to be tardy to the same class 2 more times after that, they will receive WEDNESDAY NIGHT SCHOOL.

While it is no lie that the students at our school (myself included) have a history of not taking tardies too seriously in previous years, I still believe this to be a little overboard. As do my peers, apparently…
Sophomore Zamyia Baker found herself victim of the policy. Sitting in the 'jail' that we call the climate office during lunch, she said, “they need to get rid of it” and “they want this school to be so perfect, but you can’t change it."
Another valid complaint: students don’t always have control over the factors causing them to be tardy -- especially to first period.
Senior Corrine West pointed this out.
"Traffic... crowded, slow hallways... and bathrooms full of loitering people are not my fault," said West. "Three tardies and you get detention? That’s so stupid.”
Seniors Cyanah Cherry and Shanel Raj agreed.
“It’s not fair because some students can’t figure out their ride or bus situations," said Cherry. "Say, if their parents can't give them a ride and they’re late 3 times in a row then get detention -- that’s not their fault.”
Added Raj, “Students usually live far away and there can be road work. Teachers should understand that, since teachers are late too and don’t get anything for it.”
Another challenge that has seemed to be brought up with this abrupt new Tardy policy is the actual enforcement.
What we do know is that students are already getting lunch detentions for it -- but I have yet to hear details about the nightmare of Wednesday Night School.

Our only humble request as seniors this year: please lessen the conditions of these new policies to at least be reasonable and fair. Kennedy has functioned great in the past without these policies, and any troubles created from tardies are the responsibilities of the students themselves. Punctuality is a lesson they will learn on their own once they receive that first progress report in their mail.
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